Saturday, May 21, 2022

Everything You Need To Know About Heated Towel Rails!

It doesn't matter if you are redecorating your central heating system or upgrading it, the most important decision is whether to choose a heated towel rail or an electric radiator.

Answers to many heated towel rail questions are available here. 

What is a Towel Radiator?

Towel radiators are also known as heated towel bars. They are heated like a radiator and allow you to get out of your bath or shower and wrap a pre-heated towel around yourself.

You can also use them as drying racks. So once you're done with your towel you can just put it back on the rail for drying.

Are Towel radiators any good?

These are great for smaller bathrooms or en-suites. However, they can heat any bathroom effectively.

They can be incorporated seamlessly into modern and minimalist bathrooms and add a touch of style. They can be placed vertically and are very functional.

Can A Towel Warmer Replace A Radiator?

Yes, in a word. You can swap between them because they use the same central heating system and plumbing system as radiators. The towel will heat your bathroom just as efficiently as a radiator. However, you might feel the difference if you hang wet towels on it, but not with your radiator.

Is it possible to put wet towels on a heated towel rail?

They can, indeed. They will dry beautifully, and prevent the musty smell that we get from damp towels. A heated towel rail is a great way to kill three birds at once.

  • Heating your bathroom.

  • After showering, wrap yourself in a towel.

  • When you are done with your towel, dry it immediately.

Is it easy to change a radiator to a heated towel rail?

It's incredibly simple to connect the heated towel rail with existing, modern pipes. It doesn't matter if the pipework is older.

Are You a Plumber Required to Install a Towel Rail?

You may be able replace a radiator by a towel radiator. This is because you will be connecting it to existing pipes.

If you are installing a towel radiator in an area that has never been used before. An electrician is required if you want to install a dual fuel towel radiator. This would involve connecting the rail to both the electrical mains supply as well as the central heating system.

Are Towel radiators expensive to run?

It is understandable that people might think that luxury items are expensive to operate. It's important to take into account the current gas and electricity crises when deciding between a new radiator and a heated towel rail.

It's only 23p to run one towel radiator 24 hours per day, if you want. Team can help you calculate the exact cost of a particular model.

Is it possible to leave a heated towel rail on?

It is simple to answer yes. Heated towel rails can be connected to your central heating system like any other radiator. They can also be left on for as long as you want. The temperature can be adjusted to make it hotter when you are bathing or showering (and have a towel to wrap around your body afterward) or cooler when you aren't using the facilities.

Everything You Need To Know About Heated Towel Rails!

It doesn't matter if you are redecorating your central heating system or upgrading it, the most important decision is whether to choose ...